Your voice is changing the world.

My 17 and 15 year old boys' innate immune systems are in tact because of you, your intelligence, and courage in educating non-science people like me.

The psychological pressure on them over the past four years off the charts.

Thank you Dr. GVB. Every substack or video you post, I learn more.

You saved my boys' and my life.

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As I have emphasized on multiple occasions, healthy unvaccinated individuals will not be affected by this new variant. :)

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Though not immune to infxn. Mild-moderate if we are in good

Health. We still need to be vigilant!

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On his youtube Dr Phillip Macmillan has recently been talking about how, with the direction this pandemic has taken, the unvaccinated should also not be so complacent because of what the circulating virus and constant pressure is doing to everybody's immune systems. Only time will tell. I am unvaxxed and consider myself very healthy, but more recently I do feel constantly fatigued/brain foggy and I can't figure out what is causing it.

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All you can do is look after yourself, try to eat well keep up with the Vitamin D, its summer here so I have been laying in the sun for at least an hour a day without sunscreen. I can't tell you how much better you feel after doing that its like a happy drug. Dr Philip and Geert have a discussion coming up looking forward to that.

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Agree! I love being in the sun. It truly is a happy vitamin.

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Shedding by the vaccinated is what’s doing it, Andrew. I’m affected HORRIBLY by them.

Brain fog and fatigue are only a few of the shedding/transmitting affects.

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Hi, Theresa. I noticed Geert address the shedding concern in a recent interview with Steve Kirsch. If you skip to around 1:30:18 https://rumble.com/v415kyn-vsrf-live-106-dr.-geert-vanden-bossche-on-white-lung-pneumonia.html

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He’s dead wring about the shedding. And those that took the bioweapon are shedding other things besides the spike protein.

I can go into a store or out to eat without getting shed upon. And I’ll give you an example of how long those that took the jab are shedding/transmitting to the rest of us.

A friend of my aunts, who we usually go out to dinner with on Saturday’s with her daughter who took four of those damn things. Her last one was either December of last year or January of this year. For the first few months I kept getting spiked by her. I would break out in rashes and had bad hair loss. I told them that we couldn’t go out to dinner with them for a few months because I couldn’t take the effects of the shedding anymore. It was almost three months before I was willing to give it another try. Six to seven months had passed and I thought she wouldn’t be shedding anymore. I was wrong. But I learned to sit at horse show tables and in the opposite side of the table. As well as coming in and leaving ahead of her. I was doing okay this way.

Well, my aunt and I were invited to their house for Christmas dinner this past Monday. We spent about an hour and a half there. The next day I knew I had been spiked again. I already had rashes from being mildly spiked over the past two and a half weeks. But when I woke up the next day the rashes were twice as dark and twice the area covered on my skin. And my eyes were swollen. That’s how I knew she was still shedding even after almost a year since her last injection. It’s gotten so bad for me that I don’t even want to go out in public where there are people.

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I got impressed by your comment. But what is been shed maybe is not only spike, but the whole virus.

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I don’t think it’s the whole virus. I know I’m allergic to PEG. And they used that in the lipid nano particles. But don’t know if that to can be shedding or not. 🤷🏼‍♀️

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Everyone is different. Some people are more sensitive to shedding than others. I have been shed on by husband and by others. I also am more sensitive to chemicals, so that may be why people like us feel the effects of shedding more.

Best thing I do is to take things that combat venom (which is what it is).

NAC, EDTA, Vit C, Bromelain, nicotine. etc.

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And I too take all those things in addition to a few others

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Yeah, I’m chemical sensitive too

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Sorry about the he typos. I’m meant to check for them before posting, and it won’t let me edit 🤷🏼‍♀️

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I wonder if we will ever find out what is in the virus itself?

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Thanks for sharing Dr Bossche we are indeed in dark dangerous times

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Thank you for continuing to speak out.

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Thanks Geert. I really believe you are right. I’m a no one so it does not really matter. I have seen the re-infection of many highly boosted colleagues along with the patient population in the hospital. I have also witnessed strange presentations among a very seemingly newer sick population with what seems to be new onset autoimmune responses. It strikes me odd that hardly anyone will speak of it. They believe so devoutly but you can see the fear in their eyes. They think the world won’t lie to them. That the scientific pillar they worship has led them down the path of consensus and not debate. They are the new breed. It will lead to the demise of us all I fear. Don’t ever stop Geert. I wish to hear from you everyday. Prayers

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I can't imagine how difficult it is to keep sounding the alarm. Sincerely - thank you.

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The MSM is pushing vaccine boosters. Even if they could help (which they don’t!) it will take several weeks for neutralizing Ab titers to rise. They will not be able to impact this surging variant. As Dr. VDB has said, “ The stage has been set”. At this point this is a self-catalyzing catastrophe unfolding before our eyes.

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Will we see repeated waves of infection, hospitalisation and death, until herd immunity is reached? In other words, if a vaccinee survives the first highly virulent infection/ wave, are they still at risk from future infections... would this mean that in highly vaccinated countries, there will be no end to the waves of severe disease/death in the vaccines until herd immunity is finally established. Thank you.

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A few questions--if anyone cares to answer:

****What if a highly vaccinated person has also been infected?

****Is this referring to the igG4 switch in the immune system?

****How will this affect people vaccinated with NON mRNA vaccines?

Thank you.

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If your first exposure to covid was a natural infxn your innate immune system has been pre primed in a proper immunological way. Any subsequent infxn with covid variants will contribute to innate immune training…think “strengthening the immune forces at the border of your cells” GVB. They can meet and sterilize the virus before it spreads and infects your cells. Non mRNA vaccination are less “derailing” to the immune system than mRNA type. There is a “grey area” that exists in this immunological scenario where some folks who are vaxxed/unvaxxed may be more or less affected by a more virulent virus. So we ALL have to remain vigilant too. When I try to explain this to friends and family they go silent or say “it’s just a mild infxn”. Just because you are unvaccinated does not exempt you from keeping yourself healthy, avoiding enclosed crowds, proper nutrition/supplementation, etc…we can not be complacent with basic common sense approaches to this evolving infxn.

IgG4 isotype switching is one part of the immune system’s evolution toward “weaker/broader/less specific humoral (Ab) and more cell-based immune response to ever increasing more infectious variants” GVB So yes to your question.

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Thank you Anthony

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I understand that you are attempting to change the minds of the scientists who are pushing this garbage and that this cannot be in layman's terms...

But it would be useful to have an easy to understand summary at the end for non vaccinologists.

My summary is -- the Vaxxed are F789ed up down sideways and diagonally -- cuz they have shot Death into their bodies.

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If their innate immunity has not been trained yes they are at a disadvantage. If your innate immunity is partially or fully trained then yes they will be in a more favorable place to sterilize/fend off a more virulent variant.

This is nature’s adaptation strategy to restore an equilibrium between host/population and virus. The part of the herd (population) that is exerting immune selection pressure on viral virulence will likely be culled (or severely infected!) and the part of the herd that is not exerting pressure on viral virulence will likely remain (and sterilize the virus before it spreads deep into the body) The latter will continue to contribute to sterilizing (herd) immunity in the future.

It’s a harsh depiction but something we all have to come to terms with.

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Dec 22, 2023
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Unless you have been in a hermetically sealed underground bunker with no contact with the outside world, i’m certain that you have been exposed and didn’t realize it. (Mild infxn) infection prevention measures are not going to prevent the spread of this self limiting respiratory virus. It’s too ubiquitous and infectious. If you’re in good health with no co-morbidities and are unvaxxed, you do not need to be overly concerned with a more virulent variant. But everyone needs to use basic common sense.

Get outside, go for a walk in nature…we still have to find ways to live life as best as we can!

I highly recommend everyone listen to geert’s interview with Phillip McMillen on substack posted today

He gives an impasssioned message and detailed description of where we are at and how the immune escape pandemic will evolve into a more virulent variant with a range of outcomes from asymptomatic cases <> gray area<> severe morbidity/mortality

All the best

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Mutations are necessary for evolution, they can damage existing adaptations (immunity )That's my understanding of Dr Bossche blog hence his concern

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If you have been following Geert, it started as soon as they were vaccinating in the mist of the pandemic where highly infectious virus were circulating before people were able to develop antibodies to the vax spike. The virus had an advantage to mutate because many people were in a sub-optimal immune state, IOW, their antiodies hadn't developed yet which would stop a virus from replicating. Go back to March 2021 and see his first interview to get it right from the horses mouth.

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Definitely this was always the outcome concur

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"Say that you'll never never never need it. One headline why believe it. Everybody wants to rule the world."

(BTW-This song was written 35 years ago about this exact time period. So was Sowing the Seeds of Love)

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40% of 6B is 2.4B... civilization collapses... the remaining Vaxxers will be horribly ill... The Plague will be upon us... everyone will lockdown and nail the doors and windows shut... and starve

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We are here:

"And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men." (Rev. 9:15-KJV)

“By these three was the third part of men killed, by the fire, and by the smoke, and by the brimstone, which issued out of their mouths.” (Rev. 9:18-KJV)

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I have no medical background, but is there a possibility unvaccinated donated blood could help the vaccinated because of their trained cell-based innate immunity? Could these cells temporarily do some work in another body to restore the right signal? I know white blood cells are removed from donated blood because of possible side-effects and white blood cell transfusions are only given to people who have a severe bacterial infection and a very low white blood cell count. Does this also work for viruses?

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You can not De-prime someone’s immune system. If it has been primed with natural infxn great, if not then they have mRNA vaccine induced Ab priming and likely have a completely different immune response to this and other gylcosylated viruses (RSV ,influenza, etc)

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If You Are Vaccine Injured

You Are Not Alone.

It’s Worse Than That.

If You Were Alone No One Would Know.

The People Most Like You

- Are Pretending Not To Know

Because They Don’t Give A Shit.

That’s How Bad It Is For You.


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I appreciate all of your efforts from the beginning. You convinced many of us and saved lives. Thank you!

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My local paper has some scaremongering today from a professor at Kings who oddly enough, either directly or indirectly, has been paid by Pfizer, J&J, AZ, etc. The interesting thing in the article is a map of the UK from which you can see the number of covid cases per county. Mine has 12. The numbers are not huge in each county. I know of people who are in hospital for other things who have been tested positive for covid - and who would not have knock that they had covid if they had not been tested - and thus should be part of these figures.

I am thus finding it hard to see where this shocking wave of covid infections are. I am not doubting or criticising Geert. Just trying to figure out where we are going.


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I think we're at a stage where official case counts are actually an underestimate. Since September I've noticed ongoing waves here in London. Family members, friends and co-workers have all had symptomatic covid in this time (confirmed by rapid tests), and many more (including me) have had unconfirmed colds and flu-like illnesses that may or may not have been covid.

That's why I'm very intrigued by Geert's writings and believe he may be onto something.

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Unjabbed friends of mine across the UK - including some who work within the NHS - as well as a friend each in Oz and South Korea are reporting their work colleagues going down left, right and centre with coughs & flu-like illnesses.... and, of course, with covid. All are fascinated by the sheer number of their work colleagues who are ill or who look ill. Or who look aged. Most of my friends were bullied and ridiculed for not taking the jabs - several coming within days of being fired - so you can imagine how they now feel seeing what they are seeing in their workplaces

More shocking than coughs and covid reinfections they are reporting of serious illness amongst their work colleagues and their families. Turbo cancers, sadly, seem far too common. Only this week I was told by one of a jabbed 40 year old male work colleague, a father of two and a keen fitness person, who has been given 6 months to live.

I was also told this week by my friend in Oz of a man who refused to be jabbed and who lost his business during the Oz lockdown. He got heavily into debt and turned to loan sharks. The man is now, I am told, utterly destroyed. I suspect that my friend fears for him. This is just but one innocent life destroyed by the truly evil people who did this to Humanity.

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Over the past 2 weeks, a lot of jabbed family members have come down with a "stomach flue". It went through the whole extended family that was together part of the holidays. Except for me and my husband who have not been sick. Everyone thinks it is a stomach bug but no one ate the same food. Curious.

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I do know of several UNjabbed people here in the UK who have been very ill with some kind of nasty stomach flu over the past few weeks. One had to be hospitalised and needed 3 different types of antibiotics. He and another person I know of were diagnosed with pneumonia. All have had terrible stomach problems, heavy phlegm, bad headaches and breathing problems. Norovirus is doing the yearly winter rounds in the UK at present. My local hospital - main A&E for West Wales - is asking people to stay away because of norovirus. Whatever is causing the illness it is not just the jabbed who are becoming ill. The UNjabbed I know who have been ill, or still are, are also big takers of Vits C and D, Zinc, etc. Has something new been released? I would not be surprised. Or are really nasty variants being conjured up by the jabbed as Geert Vanden Bossche has said will happen? No idea.

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It would seem logical and prudent that if you are not that much inconvenienced by following certain procedures and avoiding others on the advice of intelligent experts, and are at least well-informed on the issue, it is best to consider the worst scenario. If someone says there is a bomb in your house or car- would not an intelligent person at least seriously consider the possibility, and carry out the necessary safety procedures? I preferred to isolate and wear a mask rather than take strange vaccines, the adverse effects for which the manufacturers were legally not responsible. And it seems me that attenuated or killed pathogens, tried and true, were preferable to complicated science, chancy at best, involving RNA, DNA science directed to only one part of the virus, the spike protein.

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