As you have said before, the overriding or making PNNAbs ineffective will greatly enhance the virulence of an immune escape variant. Dr Rob Rennebohn published treatment anticipation addendum does not paint a pretty picture for outcomes of this variant. https://notesfromthesocialclinic.org/in-anticipation-of-a-highly-virulent-sars-cov-2-variant-an-addendum/

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Thanks For Sharing Dr Bossche a timely response to what's happening on the Ground especially in the UK NHS Hospitals

Kind regards and thanks once again

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I am looking forward to this variant... so that we can emerge from the eye of the storm -- and observe the Vaxxers going to pieces

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What if "virulence" is not something that a virus can switch on? If the virulence is directly related to immune health of the host?

What if the human body is amazing and even with some weird high tech injection promoting specific antibodies, the body can call on it's incredible mostly unknown immune resources in order to survive?

Just coming up with reasons why this viral apocalypse may remain disappointing.

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If Geert is right at least us 40 followers will be aware! lol we’re screwed.

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Dear Dr. Bossche: You are among my favorites on these related topics. Thank you for your work in helping us understand the threats related to the SARS "binary" bioweapons. My hope is that you will take a step back for a moment and allow me the opportunity to help you and your readers see the larger picture allowing everything to make perfect sense. We are living inside a 2012-Deep Impact-Contagion Movie that is real! The SARS-Covid PlanDemic is the command-control mechanism over the clueless Sheeple part of the Plan that includes genocide of the global population.

Consider that all the SARS recombinant-variant strains are "herald" strains that are only the first part of a sophisticated "binary" bioweapon that is AI-assisted and activated using a series of electromagnetic pulses (Todd Callender, Jeffrey Prather). The SARS bioweapons are not true virus' but are RNA code engineered to behave as a retrovirus assembling amino acids onto proteins to string together RNA with our RNA to replicate a transhumant form of DNA that then invades and takes over the cells. The updated strains have a reproductive number greater than 10, which means the weaponized variants spread around the world in about 90 days.

Everyone has been infected by the SARS variant strains and everyone has been transfected by Vaxxers with the bioweapon Vax components that are transforming humans into Borg (Star Trek reference/half human-half machine). AI then manipulates all human-animal life on this planet using the updated digital space-based HAARP Carrier Wave (updated in 2013) sending biodata to simulation hosts in a Real-World Simulation maintained by AI in the underground Ark City connected to the Denver Airport.


Get more information from my interview.





Everyone should be on the Nano Silver - Sodium Borate Weight Chart regimen to stop the bioweapon RNA replication/oxygen-enzyme activity and the Nanofilament replication. Get more information using the links above. The bottom line here is that the Globalist-Elite are preparing to run to their Underground Ark Cities to hide from the Black Star coming from space to terraform the planet.


My research has been making predictions for large earthquake events that strike when Earth passes between the Sun and Black Star (May 31, 2023) and behind the Sun relative to the Black Star (December 02, 2023). There is a gigantic Superplume formation growing OUT OF CONTROL in the Earth Mantle Transition Zone that is under Black Star electromagnetic influence. My hope is that you will take that step back to see the larger picture, so that, perhaps, you can help and warn others about what is coming from space, which is the true reason that the world is going to hell in a handbasket with reckless abandon. Get more information using the links below. and at https://www.terral0.com and https://terral.substack.com. terral@terral03.com

Global Tectonic Fault Line Unzipping Phenomenon: https://www.brighteon.com/c30c7f1b-31eb-4f9a-be09-43adc2fc5967


Superplume growing OUT OF CONTROL VIDEO: https://www.brighteon.com/3227abd3-6653-40ff-8c4a-812e32981ee1


The Week the Earth Stood Still: https://rumble.com/v1xv550-the-week-the-earth-stood-still-02.19.2019-banned-by-youtube-november-29-202.html


7.3 China Quake Is the 2021 Sun-Earth-Black Star Nearside-Alignment Quake Event:

Watch Terral’s Special Report Video (05.24.2021): https://www.brighteon.com/3ab6fba1-1f97-4249-83fe-1c7d23a04a7e


7.2 Peru Quake Is the 2022 Sun-Earth-Black Star Nearside-Alignment Quake Event:

Watch Terral’s Special Report Video (05.26.2022): https://www.brighteon.com/5bc51eee-6756-4a22-ac26-c9f000a53b0b


Hunga Tonga Missile Strike: 01.15.2022:

Watch Terral’s Special Report Video (01.19.2022): https://www.brighteon.com/b1e17c87-34cf-4cee-8c55-1659612b1639

NASA Future Strategic Issues/Warfare 2025: https://stopthecrime.net/docs/nasa-thefutureof-war.pdf (see Page 93)

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Geert is part of the ongoing fear and distraction. He is controlled. I followed him from day 1. He is clever, but they never isolated the virus. The jab was ready to roll out. Black star or polar reversal. They have to keep everyone distracted. PCR is a fraud so how do they test.

The big question, where did the flu go

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Hmm. No. Your question validates your previous statement regarding the ongoing distraction. Let's not pretend that the SARS "binary" bioweapon must be isolated for the Globalists to carry out their Global Genocide Agenda.

NASA Future Strategic Issues/Warfare 2025: https://stopthecrime.net/docs/nasa-thefutureof-war.pdf (Page 93)

Go ahead. Download the PDF and open to Page 93 and read.

1. Sink Carriers "swarm attacks." Our carriers are being placed in harm's way as we speak.

2. Capture/torture Americans... Think 1-6ers on steroids' in gulag's-concentration-FEMA camps.

3. "Terror" attacks inside the US (binary bio...). The first half of the "binary" bioweapons are already inside the general population awaiting AI-assisted activation using a series of electromagnetic pulses. Terror cells are already in place using millions and millions of illegal aliens crossing US borders from China, Russia, Iran, etc. Just where to you think all the illegals are going? Many are being trained right now on our military bases to respond once the Terror Cells are activated, as the Sheeple cry for Martial Law.

And, this is a short list of what appears just on Page 93... Keep asking yourself about the flu ... Are you prepared? Most everyone here will see the chaos happening, until their lungs begin filling with fluid (cytokine storm immune system overreaction). They will run to the emergency rooms by the millions all over the world, as their organs liquify (Ebola-Hemorrhagic Fever) and they bleed out from every orifice of their body. The blood will carry the "airborne" activated bioweapons that will be known as the Plague, until the Black Star comes to terraform the planet. Everyone is being warned to be on the Nano Silver - Sodium Borate Weight Chart regimen. Very few are heeding the warnings like in the Days of Noah... Why? Simple: Most everyone "is" worthy of the coming destruction. 1Thes. 5:1-5.

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